Original Article
Korean J Gastroenterol 2024; 84(6): 274-281
Published online December 25, 2024
© The Korean Society of Gastroenterology.
Clinical Features of Impacted Common Bile Duct Stones at Duodenal Papilla
십이지장 유두부에 감돈된 총담관 담석의 임상적 특징
Jae Min Lee1, Sang Hoon Lee2, Ji Hyun Kim2, Tae Suk Kim2, Sung Hoon Chang3, San Ha Kim2, Jung Ho Lee2, Chang Don Kang2, Jin Myung Park2
이재민1, 이상훈2, 김지현2, 김태석2, 장성훈3, 김산하2, 이정호2, 강창돈2, 박진명2
Correspondence to: Jin Myung Park, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University Hospital, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, 156 Baekryung-ro, Chuncheon 24289, Korea. Tel: +82-33-258-2405, Fax: +82-33-258-2455, E-mail:, ORCID:
Financial support: The study was supported by 2021 Research Grant from Kangwon National University.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background/Aims: Urgent endoscopic removal is required for gallstones impacted at the duodenal papilla. This study compared the clinical features of impacted papillary stones (IPS) with those of common bile duct stones without impaction.
Methods: This study analyzed a common bile duct stone database from 2017 to 2023, identifying patients with IPS. The clinical features of IPS were compared with those of common bile duct stones without IPS (NIPS).
Results: One hundred and eighty patients were analyzed; 45 had IPS. The mean age was 63.9 years, with a male predominance in the IPS group. The success rates of selective biliary cannulation were comparable between the IPS and NIPS groups. Multivariate analysis showed that IPS was associated with pancreatitis (odds ratio [OR] 3.78, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.17–12.17, p=0.026), bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign (BPDS, OR 12.09, 95% CI: 3.92–37.33, p<0.001), and the presence of pus (OR 27.05, 95% CI: 4.92–148.85, p<0.001). The periampullary diverticulum (OR 0.28, 95% CI: 0.10–0.82, p=0.021) and the largest stone ≥10 mm (OR 0.31, 95% CI: 0.10–0.96, p=0.043) were inversely correlated with IPS.
Conclusions: IPS are associated with pancreatitis, BPDS, and acute suppurative cholangitis, whereas periampullary diverticulum and the stone size are inversely correlated with IPS.
KeywordsGallstones; Common bile duct; Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde; Ampulla of Vater; Pancreatitis
Common bile duct (CBD) stones represent a significant public health burden, with a reported prevalence of 8–18% in patients with symptomatic gallbladder stones.1 CBD stones can lead to pain, jaundice, and sepsis, hence the recommendation for removing CBD stones even in asymptomatic patients.2
CBD stones may be complicated by cholangitis and acute pancreatitis, which can be fatal in severe cases. In particular, gallstones impacted at the duodenal papilla can completely block the papillary orifice, causing simultaneous biliary and pancreatic duct obstructions. Thus, the urgent removal of impacted papillary stones (IPS) is necessary, with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) being the standard method for CBD stone extraction. The clinical features of IPS have been evaluated in several studies.3-5 On the other hand, these were all single-arm studies, including only IPS cases, lacking a comparison between IPS and CBD stones without impaction. This study compared the clinical features of IPS and CBD stones without impaction.
The ERCP database of Kangwon National University Hospital and Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital, in which the patient data were collected continuously and maintained prospectively, was analyzed retrospectively from January 2017 to December 2023. The inclusion criteria included the following: (1) age ≥18 years; (2) naïve papilla of Vater, indicating no prior ERCP; (3) confirmed presence of a CBD stone during ERCP. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) surgically altered anatomy (i.e., gastrectomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy, or any operation involving the pancreatobiliary tract except cholecystectomy); (2) malignant neoplasm of the pancreatobiliary tract; (3) pregnancy.
Patients diagnosed with IPS were identified from the endoscopic images and grouped into the IPS category. The endoscopic findings of IPS were defined as the direct visualization of the stone or an enlarged papilla with the disappearance of transverse folds and exposure of the stone during an incision of the papilla. These patients were compared with those presenting with overt CBD stones but not IPS (NIPS group); the NIPS group was selected randomly at threefold the number of patients in the IPS group (Fig. 1). An overt CBD stone was defined as a CBD stone identified during ERCP.
Figure 1. Flow of subject inclusion. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EST, endoscopic sphincterotomy.
The clinical manifestations were reviewed: abdominal pain, fever, symptom onset, shock, and comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes. Fever was defined as a body temperature ≥38°C and shock as systolic blood pressure ≤90 mmHg, requiring fluid resuscitation or inotropic support. Cholangitis and acute pancreatitis (AP) were defined according to the Tokyo guidelines (TG18)6 and the revised Atlanta classification,7 respectively.
The assessments included the blood chemistry, blood culture results, and CT imaging for the visibility of the CBD stone and the maximal diameter of the CBD analyzed on a coronal plane. The presence of a bile duct penetrating the duodenal wall sign (BPDS)8 was also evaluated on CT scans. An evaluation of the type of stone, presence of periampullary diverticulum, and pus was conducted through endoscopic imaging. In addition, using a needle knife or mechanical lithotriptor during the procedure was assessed. The largest CBD stone was identified by measuring the diameter on CT, magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopy, and fluoroscopy (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. An 88-year-old female underwent ERCP for acute cholangitis. (A) An impacted gallstone was observed at the duodenal papilla. (B) Bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign was visualized on coronal CT. The arrow indicates the impacted stone. (C) Needle knife fistulotomy was performed, resulting in the drainage of pus from the bile duct. (D) The impacted stone was removed. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
Post-ERCP complications, including pancreatitis, bleeding, perforation, and cholangitis, were documented. The assessments also included admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) and whether a cholecystectomy had been performed before discharge.
The categorical variables are presented as the frequency and percentages, while the continuous variables are expressed as mean±standard deviation. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software, version 26 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The institutional review board approved the study protocol (KNUH-2024-02-005). The Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to compare the categorical variables, and a Student's t-test was used for the continuous variables. Variables that showed significant differences between the two groups (p<0.05) were examined further using univariate regression analysis, and those with p<0.10 underwent multivariate analysis. The odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (CIs) for IPS were determined by logistic regression analyses (enter method). A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.
1. Patient characteristics
Forty-five and 135 patients were enrolled in the IPS and NIPS groups, respectively. The mean age of the IPS group was 63.9±15.6 years, with 27 out of 45 (60.0%) being male. The mean onset of symptoms was 3.1±6.2 days prior. Abdominal pain was reported by 40 patients (88.9%), and fever was detected in 15 patients (33.3%). A history of hypertension was present in 24 patients (53.3%), while 12 (26.7%) and five (11.1%) had histories of diabetes and cholecystectomy, respectively. Among the patients whose gallbladder remains intact without surgery, 67.5% had gallstones. Cholangitis was reported in 73.3% of cases, with half classified as mild. Shock was observed in six patients (13.3%).
The mean age of the IPS group was significantly lower than that of the NIPS group (63.9 vs. 70.6 years, p=0.020). Abdominal pain was more prevalent in the IPS group (88.9%) than in the NIPS group (74.8%, p=0.047). AP occurred more frequently in the IPS group (35.6%) than in the NIPS group (10.4%, p<0.001). The other clinical characteristics were similar in the IPS and NIPS groups. Table 1 lists the baseline characteristics.
Table 1 Clinical Characteristics of the Patients
Characteristic No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value Mean age (years) 70.6±17.0 63.9±15.6 0.020 Gender: Male 75 (55.6) 27 (60.0) 0.602 Symptom onset (days ago) 3.0±4.1 3.1 ± 6.2 0.912 Abdominal pain 101 (74.8) 40 (88.9) 0.047 Fever 59 (43.7) 15 (33.3) 0.221 Shock 17 (12.6) 6 (13.3) 0.897 Hypertension 67 (49.6) 24 (53.3) 0.667 Diabetes 31 (23.0) 12 (26.7) 0.614 Previous cholecystectomy 25 (18.5) 5 (11.1) 0.248 Gallbladder stone 76 (69.1) 27 (67.5) 0.853 Cholangitis 105 (77.8) 33 (73.3) 0.542 Mild 57 (54.3) 17 (51.5) Moderate 30 (28.6) 11 (33.3) 0.866 Severe 18 (17.1) 5 (15.2) Acute pancreatitis 14 (10.4) 16 (35.6) <0.001 Categorical variables are presented as frequencies and percentages, while continuous variables are conveyed as means±standard deviation.
2. Laboratory findings
The mean serum amylase level was significantly higher in the IPS group (638.2 IU/L) than in the NIPS group (196.0 IU/L, p=0.009). The other laboratory tests showed no significant differences between the groups. The rate of positive blood cultures was 18.4% (7/38) in the IPS group, compared to 28.3% in the NIPS group (32/113, p=0.228, Table 2).
Table 2 Laboratory Findings of the Patients
Laboratory test No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value WBC (/mm3) 10715.3±5298.3 11471.0±5502.7 0.413 Platelets (/mm3) 203.8±78.4 220.8±87.1 0.221 CRP (mg/dL) 7.0±7.4 5.0±6.4 0.105 Total bilirubin (mg/dL) 3.1±3.1 3.8±2.4 0.169 AST (IU/L) 210.9±312.2 283.1±237.1 0.157 ALT (IU/L) 216.9±236.1 287.1±253.3 0.092 ALP (IU/L) 221.3±153.3 248.0±156.9 0.316 Albumin (g/dL) 3.8±0.5 4.0±0.6 0.129 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.9±0.5 0.9±0.3 0.487 Amylase (IU/L) 196.01±517.9 638.2±1011.8 0.009 Procalcitonin (ng/mL) 9.1±29.4 5.2±12.5 0.570 Blood culture positivity 28.3% 18.4% 0.228 Continuous variables are conveyed as means±standard deviation.
WBC, white blood cell; SD, standard deviation; CRP, C-reactive protein; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase.
3. Image and endoscopic findings
CBD stones were observed less frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group on CT images (60.0% vs. 78.5%, p=0.014). By contrast, BPDS occurred more commonly in the IPS group (53.3%) than in the NIPS group (6.7%, p<0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of BPDS were 53.3% and 93.3%, respectively.
The mean size of IPS was 6.3±3.7 mm on the endoscopic images. During ERCP, periampullary diverticulum was observed less frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (24.4% vs. 52.6%, p=0.001). Pus (28.9% vs. 3.2%, p<0.001) and black stones (44.4% vs. 23.0%, p=0.011) were detected more commonly in the IPS group than in the NIPS group. The mean largest stone size was smaller in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (7.6 mm vs. 10.5 mm, p=0.002). Although the successful biliary cannulation rate tended to be higher in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, the difference was not significant (100% vs. 94.1%, p=0.204). A needle knife was used more frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (60.0% vs. 20.0%, p<0.001). Mechanical lithotripsy was only performed in the NIPS group (Table 3).
Table 3 Image and Endoscopic Findings of the Patients
Findings No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value CT scan findings Visible stones 106 (78.5) 27 (60.0) 0.014 CBD diameter (mm) 11.0±4.2 10.8±4.9 0.770 BPDS 9 (6.7) 24 (53.3) <0.001 Endoscopic findings Periampullary diverticulum 71 (52.6) 11 (24.4) 0.001 Pus 3 (2.2) 13 (28.9) <0.001 Successful biliary cannulation 127 (94.1) 45 (100) 0.204 Needle knife 27 (20.0) 27 (60.0) <0.001 Mechanical lithotripsy 6 (4.7) 0 (0) 0.342 Type of stone Cholesterol 11 (8.1) 5 (11.1) 0.011 Brown 93 (68.9) 20 (44.4) Black 31 (23.0) 20 (44.4) Largest stone size (mm) 10.5±5.5 7.6±4.9 0.002 Categorical variables are shown as frequencies and percentages, and continuous variables as means±standard deviation.
BPDS, bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign.
4. Factors associated with IPS
Multivariate analysis was conducted to identify the factors associated with IPS. The serum amylase level and stone type were excluded from the analysis because of multicollinearity with AP and stone visibility on CT, respectively. The analysis showed that AP (odds ratio [OR] 3.78, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.17–12.17, p=0.026), BPDS (OR 12.09, 95% CI: 3.92 –37.33, p<0.001), and the presence of pus (OR 27.05, 95% CI: 4.92–148.85, p<0.001) were independently associated with IPS. By contrast, the presence of a periampullary diverticulum (OR 0.28, 95% CI: 0.10–0.82, p=0.021) and stones ≥10 mm (OR 0.31, 95% CI: 0.10–0.96, p=0.043) were negatively associated with IPS. The patients’ age, abdominal pain, and visibility on CT were similar in both groups (Table 4).
Table 4 Factors associated with Impacted Stone on Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis
Variables OR (95% CI) p-value Age ≥70 years 0.38 (0.13–1.09) 0.072 Abdominal pain 1.94 (0.43–8.84) 0.390 Combined AP 3.78 (1.17–12.17) 0.026 Visibility on CT 0.89 (0.32–2.45) 0.820 BPDS 12.09 (3.92–37.33) <0.001 Periampullary diverticulum 0.28 (0.10–0.82) 0.021 Pus 27.05 (4.92–148.85) <0.001 Size of stone ≥10 mm 0.31 (0.10–0.96) 0.043 OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; AP, acute pancreatitis; BPDS, bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign.
5. Outcome of patients
The complete stone removal rate tended to be higher in the IPS group (97.8%) than in the NIPS group (88.2%), even though the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.073). The post-ERCP complication rates were comparable between the IPS and NIPS groups (11.1% vs. 6.7%, p=0.344). Post-ERCP pancreatitis was the most common complication. The ICU admission rates showed no significant differences between the IPS and NIPS groups (2.2% vs. 5.2%, p=0.681). The IPS group underwent more cholecystectomies than the NIPS group before discharge (35.6% vs. 20.0%, p=0.034, Table 5).
Table 5 Outcomes of the Patients
Outcomes No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value Complete stone extraction 112 (88.2) 44 (97.8) 0.073 Post-ERCP complication 9 (6.7) 5 (11.1) 0.344 Pancreatitis 8 (5.9) 3 (6.7) >0.99 Bleeding 1 (0.7) 2 (4.4) 0.155 Perforation 1 (0.7) 0 (0) >0.99 Cholangitis 0 (0) 0 (0) - ICU admission 7 (5.2) 1 (2.2) 0.681 Cholecystectomy 27 (20.0) 16 (35.6) 0.034 Variables are presented as frequencies and percentages.
ICU, intensive care unit.
In this study, IPS was associated with pancreatitis, BPDS, and acute suppurative cholangitis, whereas periampullary diverticulum and the stone size were inversely correlated with IPS. Selective biliary cannulation was successful in all patients, and the stone was removed completely in more than 97% of patients. The post-ERCP complications were similar in both groups, indicating that IPS removal is no more hazardous than the removal of other CBD stones.
IPS is located near the duodenum or exposed to the duodenal lumen, allowing for relatively easy removal using a needle knife without selective biliary cannulation during ERCP. After removing IPS, selective biliary cannulation can be performed easily as the biliary orifice is easy to locate, and the distal CBD is usually dilated. In addition, the needle knife can be used safely to remove IPS. Despite the risk of duodenal perforation when performing a precut or fistulotomy with a needle knife,9 the risk of perforation with IPS may be lower than with typical CBD stone removal.3 Consequently, even operators with less experience can perform the procedure relatively easily and safely. This study was conducted expecting IPS to exhibit different clinical characteristics from other CBD stones.
Males were slightly more prevalent (60.0%) than females (40.0%) in the IPS group, whereas the gender distribution was more balanced in the NIPS group. According to a Korean nationwide study, the male-to-female ratio for CBD stones is 1:1.210. The mean age was significantly lower in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, which may be linked to the prevalence of periampullary diverticulum. The prevalence of periampullary diverticulum increases with age11 and shows an inverse correlation with IPS.
Multivariate analysis showed that the presence of pus was most strongly associated with IPS, followed by BPDS and AP. On the other hand, periampullary diverticulum and stones ≥ 10 mm revealed a negative association with IPS. In the IPS group, pus was present in approximately one-third of the patients but was observed more frequently than in the NIPS group (28.9% vs. 3.2%, p<0.001). IPS remains stationary, blocking the bile duct orifice and completely obstructing bile flow, potentially leading to severe inflammation and acute suppurative cholangitis (presence of pus in the bile ducts). Despite acute suppurative cholangitis being more common in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, there were no significant differences between the two groups regarding fever, blood culture positivity, the presence or severity of cholangitis, and ICU admission rate. Earlier studies showed that IPS patients do not exhibit severe systemic inflammation as expected. Joo et al. reported that the typical clinical features of acute cholangitis (Charcot's triad) were observed in only 21.7% of cases.3 Takano et al. reported a severe cholangitis rate of only 27%, according to the Tokyo guideline.4 This suggests that local inflammation caused by IPS might not immediately lead to severe systemic inflammation. The cause remains uncertain, but it may be due partly to patients presenting early to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, precluding the full development of cholangitis symptoms.3
Shintani et al. reported that BPDS is a useful CT imaging finding for identifying IPS. The sensitivity and specificity of BPDS were 84.6% and 85.2%, respectively.8 In the present study, BPDS occurred more frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, with sensitivity and specificity figures at 53.3% and 93.3%, respectively. Hence, BPDS is an effective indicator of the presence of IPS.
AP was present in one-third of the IPS patients and was significantly more prevalent than in the NIPS group. Joo et al. reported that 37.0% of patients with IPS were also affected by AP.3 IPS is associated with an increased frequency of AP because it is more likely to block the pancreatic duct opening than other CBD stones.
Periampullary diverticulum occurred less frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (24.4% vs. 52.6%, p=0.001). An earlier study on the IPS cohort reported a 26.1% prevalence of periampullary diverticulum, aligning with the present findings.3 Periampullary diverticulum may result in partial loss of the sphincter of Oddi muscle function.12 Therefore, in patients with periampullary diverticulum, CBD stones are more likely to pass into the duodenal lumen without impaction upon reaching the ampulla of Vater.
The mean largest stone size was smaller in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (7.6 mm vs. 10.5 mm, p=0.002). An excessively large CBD stone would not reach the ampulla of Vater because it cannot pass through the narrow distal CBD. On the other hand, relatively small stones can navigate the distal bile duct and reach the ampulla. Although smaller stones may pass through the ampulla without impaction, overly large stones cannot even reach the ampulla. In the present study, the mean size of IPS on the endoscopic image was 6.3 mm.
The rates of successful biliary cannulation (100% vs. 94.1%, p=0.204) and complete stone removal (97.8% vs. 88.2%, p=0.073) were higher in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, but these differences were not statistically significant. No significant difference in post-ERCP complications was observed between the groups, suggesting that IPS removal is no more hazardous than the removal of other CBD stones. Cholecystectomy was performed more frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group. The mean age was lower in the IPS group, potentially leading to more surgery.
This study had several limitations. Stones were classified primarily based on their color, as observed in endoscopic images. On the other hand, external appearances, such as the color or shape and the cross-sectional shape and composition, are crucial for accurately classifying gallstones.13,14 Thus, the gallstone classification in this study was of low accuracy and unsuitable for multivariate analysis. In addition, this was a retrospective study with a small number of patients from only two institutions, limiting the generalizability of these findings. Further research will be needed to validate these results.
In conclusion, IPS has distinct clinical characteristics compared to other CBD stones. It is associated with AP, BPDS, and acute suppurative cholangitis, while periampullary diverticulum and stone size are negatively associated with IPS. IPS can be removed relatively easily and safely during ERCP.
Financial support
The study was supported by 2021 Research Grant from Kangwon National University.
Conflict of interest
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Original Article
Korean J Gastroenterol 2024; 84(6): 274-281
Published online December 25, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society of Gastroenterology.
Clinical Features of Impacted Common Bile Duct Stones at Duodenal Papilla
Jae Min Lee1, Sang Hoon Lee2, Ji Hyun Kim2, Tae Suk Kim2, Sung Hoon Chang3, San Ha Kim2, Jung Ho Lee2, Chang Don Kang2, Jin Myung Park2
1Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital, Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine, Changwon; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University Hospital, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, Chuncheon; 3Department of Internal Medicine and Liver Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:Jin Myung Park, Department of Internal Medicine, Kangwon National University Hospital, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, 156 Baekryung-ro, Chuncheon 24289, Korea. Tel: +82-33-258-2405, Fax: +82-33-258-2455, E-mail:, ORCID:
Financial support: The study was supported by 2021 Research Grant from Kangwon National University.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background/Aims: Urgent endoscopic removal is required for gallstones impacted at the duodenal papilla. This study compared the clinical features of impacted papillary stones (IPS) with those of common bile duct stones without impaction.
Methods: This study analyzed a common bile duct stone database from 2017 to 2023, identifying patients with IPS. The clinical features of IPS were compared with those of common bile duct stones without IPS (NIPS).
Results: One hundred and eighty patients were analyzed; 45 had IPS. The mean age was 63.9 years, with a male predominance in the IPS group. The success rates of selective biliary cannulation were comparable between the IPS and NIPS groups. Multivariate analysis showed that IPS was associated with pancreatitis (odds ratio [OR] 3.78, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.17–12.17, p=0.026), bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign (BPDS, OR 12.09, 95% CI: 3.92–37.33, p<0.001), and the presence of pus (OR 27.05, 95% CI: 4.92–148.85, p<0.001). The periampullary diverticulum (OR 0.28, 95% CI: 0.10–0.82, p=0.021) and the largest stone ≥10 mm (OR 0.31, 95% CI: 0.10–0.96, p=0.043) were inversely correlated with IPS.
Conclusions: IPS are associated with pancreatitis, BPDS, and acute suppurative cholangitis, whereas periampullary diverticulum and the stone size are inversely correlated with IPS.
Keywords: Gallstones, Common bile duct, Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde, Ampulla of Vater, Pancreatitis
Common bile duct (CBD) stones represent a significant public health burden, with a reported prevalence of 8–18% in patients with symptomatic gallbladder stones.1 CBD stones can lead to pain, jaundice, and sepsis, hence the recommendation for removing CBD stones even in asymptomatic patients.2
CBD stones may be complicated by cholangitis and acute pancreatitis, which can be fatal in severe cases. In particular, gallstones impacted at the duodenal papilla can completely block the papillary orifice, causing simultaneous biliary and pancreatic duct obstructions. Thus, the urgent removal of impacted papillary stones (IPS) is necessary, with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) being the standard method for CBD stone extraction. The clinical features of IPS have been evaluated in several studies.3-5 On the other hand, these were all single-arm studies, including only IPS cases, lacking a comparison between IPS and CBD stones without impaction. This study compared the clinical features of IPS and CBD stones without impaction.
The ERCP database of Kangwon National University Hospital and Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital, in which the patient data were collected continuously and maintained prospectively, was analyzed retrospectively from January 2017 to December 2023. The inclusion criteria included the following: (1) age ≥18 years; (2) naïve papilla of Vater, indicating no prior ERCP; (3) confirmed presence of a CBD stone during ERCP. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) surgically altered anatomy (i.e., gastrectomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy, or any operation involving the pancreatobiliary tract except cholecystectomy); (2) malignant neoplasm of the pancreatobiliary tract; (3) pregnancy.
Patients diagnosed with IPS were identified from the endoscopic images and grouped into the IPS category. The endoscopic findings of IPS were defined as the direct visualization of the stone or an enlarged papilla with the disappearance of transverse folds and exposure of the stone during an incision of the papilla. These patients were compared with those presenting with overt CBD stones but not IPS (NIPS group); the NIPS group was selected randomly at threefold the number of patients in the IPS group (Fig. 1). An overt CBD stone was defined as a CBD stone identified during ERCP.
Figure 1. Flow of subject inclusion. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EST, endoscopic sphincterotomy.
The clinical manifestations were reviewed: abdominal pain, fever, symptom onset, shock, and comorbidities like hypertension and diabetes. Fever was defined as a body temperature ≥38°C and shock as systolic blood pressure ≤90 mmHg, requiring fluid resuscitation or inotropic support. Cholangitis and acute pancreatitis (AP) were defined according to the Tokyo guidelines (TG18)6 and the revised Atlanta classification,7 respectively.
The assessments included the blood chemistry, blood culture results, and CT imaging for the visibility of the CBD stone and the maximal diameter of the CBD analyzed on a coronal plane. The presence of a bile duct penetrating the duodenal wall sign (BPDS)8 was also evaluated on CT scans. An evaluation of the type of stone, presence of periampullary diverticulum, and pus was conducted through endoscopic imaging. In addition, using a needle knife or mechanical lithotriptor during the procedure was assessed. The largest CBD stone was identified by measuring the diameter on CT, magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopy, and fluoroscopy (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. An 88-year-old female underwent ERCP for acute cholangitis. (A) An impacted gallstone was observed at the duodenal papilla. (B) Bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign was visualized on coronal CT. The arrow indicates the impacted stone. (C) Needle knife fistulotomy was performed, resulting in the drainage of pus from the bile duct. (D) The impacted stone was removed. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
Post-ERCP complications, including pancreatitis, bleeding, perforation, and cholangitis, were documented. The assessments also included admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) and whether a cholecystectomy had been performed before discharge.
The categorical variables are presented as the frequency and percentages, while the continuous variables are expressed as mean±standard deviation. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software, version 26 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The institutional review board approved the study protocol (KNUH-2024-02-005). The Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to compare the categorical variables, and a Student's t-test was used for the continuous variables. Variables that showed significant differences between the two groups (p<0.05) were examined further using univariate regression analysis, and those with p<0.10 underwent multivariate analysis. The odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (CIs) for IPS were determined by logistic regression analyses (enter method). A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.
1. Patient characteristics
Forty-five and 135 patients were enrolled in the IPS and NIPS groups, respectively. The mean age of the IPS group was 63.9±15.6 years, with 27 out of 45 (60.0%) being male. The mean onset of symptoms was 3.1±6.2 days prior. Abdominal pain was reported by 40 patients (88.9%), and fever was detected in 15 patients (33.3%). A history of hypertension was present in 24 patients (53.3%), while 12 (26.7%) and five (11.1%) had histories of diabetes and cholecystectomy, respectively. Among the patients whose gallbladder remains intact without surgery, 67.5% had gallstones. Cholangitis was reported in 73.3% of cases, with half classified as mild. Shock was observed in six patients (13.3%).
The mean age of the IPS group was significantly lower than that of the NIPS group (63.9 vs. 70.6 years, p=0.020). Abdominal pain was more prevalent in the IPS group (88.9%) than in the NIPS group (74.8%, p=0.047). AP occurred more frequently in the IPS group (35.6%) than in the NIPS group (10.4%, p<0.001). The other clinical characteristics were similar in the IPS and NIPS groups. Table 1 lists the baseline characteristics.
Table 1 . Clinical Characteristics of the Patients.
Characteristic No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value Mean age (years) 70.6±17.0 63.9±15.6 0.020 Gender: Male 75 (55.6) 27 (60.0) 0.602 Symptom onset (days ago) 3.0±4.1 3.1 ± 6.2 0.912 Abdominal pain 101 (74.8) 40 (88.9) 0.047 Fever 59 (43.7) 15 (33.3) 0.221 Shock 17 (12.6) 6 (13.3) 0.897 Hypertension 67 (49.6) 24 (53.3) 0.667 Diabetes 31 (23.0) 12 (26.7) 0.614 Previous cholecystectomy 25 (18.5) 5 (11.1) 0.248 Gallbladder stone 76 (69.1) 27 (67.5) 0.853 Cholangitis 105 (77.8) 33 (73.3) 0.542 Mild 57 (54.3) 17 (51.5) Moderate 30 (28.6) 11 (33.3) 0.866 Severe 18 (17.1) 5 (15.2) Acute pancreatitis 14 (10.4) 16 (35.6) <0.001 Categorical variables are presented as frequencies and percentages, while continuous variables are conveyed as means±standard deviation..
2. Laboratory findings
The mean serum amylase level was significantly higher in the IPS group (638.2 IU/L) than in the NIPS group (196.0 IU/L, p=0.009). The other laboratory tests showed no significant differences between the groups. The rate of positive blood cultures was 18.4% (7/38) in the IPS group, compared to 28.3% in the NIPS group (32/113, p=0.228, Table 2).
Table 2 . Laboratory Findings of the Patients.
Laboratory test No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value WBC (/mm3) 10715.3±5298.3 11471.0±5502.7 0.413 Platelets (/mm3) 203.8±78.4 220.8±87.1 0.221 CRP (mg/dL) 7.0±7.4 5.0±6.4 0.105 Total bilirubin (mg/dL) 3.1±3.1 3.8±2.4 0.169 AST (IU/L) 210.9±312.2 283.1±237.1 0.157 ALT (IU/L) 216.9±236.1 287.1±253.3 0.092 ALP (IU/L) 221.3±153.3 248.0±156.9 0.316 Albumin (g/dL) 3.8±0.5 4.0±0.6 0.129 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.9±0.5 0.9±0.3 0.487 Amylase (IU/L) 196.01±517.9 638.2±1011.8 0.009 Procalcitonin (ng/mL) 9.1±29.4 5.2±12.5 0.570 Blood culture positivity 28.3% 18.4% 0.228 Continuous variables are conveyed as means±standard deviation..
WBC, white blood cell; SD, standard deviation; CRP, C-reactive protein; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase..
3. Image and endoscopic findings
CBD stones were observed less frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group on CT images (60.0% vs. 78.5%, p=0.014). By contrast, BPDS occurred more commonly in the IPS group (53.3%) than in the NIPS group (6.7%, p<0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of BPDS were 53.3% and 93.3%, respectively.
The mean size of IPS was 6.3±3.7 mm on the endoscopic images. During ERCP, periampullary diverticulum was observed less frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (24.4% vs. 52.6%, p=0.001). Pus (28.9% vs. 3.2%, p<0.001) and black stones (44.4% vs. 23.0%, p=0.011) were detected more commonly in the IPS group than in the NIPS group. The mean largest stone size was smaller in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (7.6 mm vs. 10.5 mm, p=0.002). Although the successful biliary cannulation rate tended to be higher in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, the difference was not significant (100% vs. 94.1%, p=0.204). A needle knife was used more frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (60.0% vs. 20.0%, p<0.001). Mechanical lithotripsy was only performed in the NIPS group (Table 3).
Table 3 . Image and Endoscopic Findings of the Patients.
Findings No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value CT scan findings Visible stones 106 (78.5) 27 (60.0) 0.014 CBD diameter (mm) 11.0±4.2 10.8±4.9 0.770 BPDS 9 (6.7) 24 (53.3) <0.001 Endoscopic findings Periampullary diverticulum 71 (52.6) 11 (24.4) 0.001 Pus 3 (2.2) 13 (28.9) <0.001 Successful biliary cannulation 127 (94.1) 45 (100) 0.204 Needle knife 27 (20.0) 27 (60.0) <0.001 Mechanical lithotripsy 6 (4.7) 0 (0) 0.342 Type of stone Cholesterol 11 (8.1) 5 (11.1) 0.011 Brown 93 (68.9) 20 (44.4) Black 31 (23.0) 20 (44.4) Largest stone size (mm) 10.5±5.5 7.6±4.9 0.002 Categorical variables are shown as frequencies and percentages, and continuous variables as means±standard deviation..
BPDS, bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign..
4. Factors associated with IPS
Multivariate analysis was conducted to identify the factors associated with IPS. The serum amylase level and stone type were excluded from the analysis because of multicollinearity with AP and stone visibility on CT, respectively. The analysis showed that AP (odds ratio [OR] 3.78, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.17–12.17, p=0.026), BPDS (OR 12.09, 95% CI: 3.92 –37.33, p<0.001), and the presence of pus (OR 27.05, 95% CI: 4.92–148.85, p<0.001) were independently associated with IPS. By contrast, the presence of a periampullary diverticulum (OR 0.28, 95% CI: 0.10–0.82, p=0.021) and stones ≥10 mm (OR 0.31, 95% CI: 0.10–0.96, p=0.043) were negatively associated with IPS. The patients’ age, abdominal pain, and visibility on CT were similar in both groups (Table 4).
Table 4 . Factors associated with Impacted Stone on Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis.
Variables OR (95% CI) p-value Age ≥70 years 0.38 (0.13–1.09) 0.072 Abdominal pain 1.94 (0.43–8.84) 0.390 Combined AP 3.78 (1.17–12.17) 0.026 Visibility on CT 0.89 (0.32–2.45) 0.820 BPDS 12.09 (3.92–37.33) <0.001 Periampullary diverticulum 0.28 (0.10–0.82) 0.021 Pus 27.05 (4.92–148.85) <0.001 Size of stone ≥10 mm 0.31 (0.10–0.96) 0.043 OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; AP, acute pancreatitis; BPDS, bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign..
5. Outcome of patients
The complete stone removal rate tended to be higher in the IPS group (97.8%) than in the NIPS group (88.2%), even though the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.073). The post-ERCP complication rates were comparable between the IPS and NIPS groups (11.1% vs. 6.7%, p=0.344). Post-ERCP pancreatitis was the most common complication. The ICU admission rates showed no significant differences between the IPS and NIPS groups (2.2% vs. 5.2%, p=0.681). The IPS group underwent more cholecystectomies than the NIPS group before discharge (35.6% vs. 20.0%, p=0.034, Table 5).
Table 5 . Outcomes of the Patients.
Outcomes No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value Complete stone extraction 112 (88.2) 44 (97.8) 0.073 Post-ERCP complication 9 (6.7) 5 (11.1) 0.344 Pancreatitis 8 (5.9) 3 (6.7) >0.99 Bleeding 1 (0.7) 2 (4.4) 0.155 Perforation 1 (0.7) 0 (0) >0.99 Cholangitis 0 (0) 0 (0) - ICU admission 7 (5.2) 1 (2.2) 0.681 Cholecystectomy 27 (20.0) 16 (35.6) 0.034 Variables are presented as frequencies and percentages..
ICU, intensive care unit..
In this study, IPS was associated with pancreatitis, BPDS, and acute suppurative cholangitis, whereas periampullary diverticulum and the stone size were inversely correlated with IPS. Selective biliary cannulation was successful in all patients, and the stone was removed completely in more than 97% of patients. The post-ERCP complications were similar in both groups, indicating that IPS removal is no more hazardous than the removal of other CBD stones.
IPS is located near the duodenum or exposed to the duodenal lumen, allowing for relatively easy removal using a needle knife without selective biliary cannulation during ERCP. After removing IPS, selective biliary cannulation can be performed easily as the biliary orifice is easy to locate, and the distal CBD is usually dilated. In addition, the needle knife can be used safely to remove IPS. Despite the risk of duodenal perforation when performing a precut or fistulotomy with a needle knife,9 the risk of perforation with IPS may be lower than with typical CBD stone removal.3 Consequently, even operators with less experience can perform the procedure relatively easily and safely. This study was conducted expecting IPS to exhibit different clinical characteristics from other CBD stones.
Males were slightly more prevalent (60.0%) than females (40.0%) in the IPS group, whereas the gender distribution was more balanced in the NIPS group. According to a Korean nationwide study, the male-to-female ratio for CBD stones is 1:1.210. The mean age was significantly lower in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, which may be linked to the prevalence of periampullary diverticulum. The prevalence of periampullary diverticulum increases with age11 and shows an inverse correlation with IPS.
Multivariate analysis showed that the presence of pus was most strongly associated with IPS, followed by BPDS and AP. On the other hand, periampullary diverticulum and stones ≥ 10 mm revealed a negative association with IPS. In the IPS group, pus was present in approximately one-third of the patients but was observed more frequently than in the NIPS group (28.9% vs. 3.2%, p<0.001). IPS remains stationary, blocking the bile duct orifice and completely obstructing bile flow, potentially leading to severe inflammation and acute suppurative cholangitis (presence of pus in the bile ducts). Despite acute suppurative cholangitis being more common in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, there were no significant differences between the two groups regarding fever, blood culture positivity, the presence or severity of cholangitis, and ICU admission rate. Earlier studies showed that IPS patients do not exhibit severe systemic inflammation as expected. Joo et al. reported that the typical clinical features of acute cholangitis (Charcot's triad) were observed in only 21.7% of cases.3 Takano et al. reported a severe cholangitis rate of only 27%, according to the Tokyo guideline.4 This suggests that local inflammation caused by IPS might not immediately lead to severe systemic inflammation. The cause remains uncertain, but it may be due partly to patients presenting early to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, precluding the full development of cholangitis symptoms.3
Shintani et al. reported that BPDS is a useful CT imaging finding for identifying IPS. The sensitivity and specificity of BPDS were 84.6% and 85.2%, respectively.8 In the present study, BPDS occurred more frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, with sensitivity and specificity figures at 53.3% and 93.3%, respectively. Hence, BPDS is an effective indicator of the presence of IPS.
AP was present in one-third of the IPS patients and was significantly more prevalent than in the NIPS group. Joo et al. reported that 37.0% of patients with IPS were also affected by AP.3 IPS is associated with an increased frequency of AP because it is more likely to block the pancreatic duct opening than other CBD stones.
Periampullary diverticulum occurred less frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (24.4% vs. 52.6%, p=0.001). An earlier study on the IPS cohort reported a 26.1% prevalence of periampullary diverticulum, aligning with the present findings.3 Periampullary diverticulum may result in partial loss of the sphincter of Oddi muscle function.12 Therefore, in patients with periampullary diverticulum, CBD stones are more likely to pass into the duodenal lumen without impaction upon reaching the ampulla of Vater.
The mean largest stone size was smaller in the IPS group than in the NIPS group (7.6 mm vs. 10.5 mm, p=0.002). An excessively large CBD stone would not reach the ampulla of Vater because it cannot pass through the narrow distal CBD. On the other hand, relatively small stones can navigate the distal bile duct and reach the ampulla. Although smaller stones may pass through the ampulla without impaction, overly large stones cannot even reach the ampulla. In the present study, the mean size of IPS on the endoscopic image was 6.3 mm.
The rates of successful biliary cannulation (100% vs. 94.1%, p=0.204) and complete stone removal (97.8% vs. 88.2%, p=0.073) were higher in the IPS group than in the NIPS group, but these differences were not statistically significant. No significant difference in post-ERCP complications was observed between the groups, suggesting that IPS removal is no more hazardous than the removal of other CBD stones. Cholecystectomy was performed more frequently in the IPS group than in the NIPS group. The mean age was lower in the IPS group, potentially leading to more surgery.
This study had several limitations. Stones were classified primarily based on their color, as observed in endoscopic images. On the other hand, external appearances, such as the color or shape and the cross-sectional shape and composition, are crucial for accurately classifying gallstones.13,14 Thus, the gallstone classification in this study was of low accuracy and unsuitable for multivariate analysis. In addition, this was a retrospective study with a small number of patients from only two institutions, limiting the generalizability of these findings. Further research will be needed to validate these results.
In conclusion, IPS has distinct clinical characteristics compared to other CBD stones. It is associated with AP, BPDS, and acute suppurative cholangitis, while periampullary diverticulum and stone size are negatively associated with IPS. IPS can be removed relatively easily and safely during ERCP.
Financial support
The study was supported by 2021 Research Grant from Kangwon National University.
Conflict of interest
Fig 1.

Fig 2.

Table 1 Clinical Characteristics of the Patients
Characteristic No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value Mean age (years) 70.6±17.0 63.9±15.6 0.020 Gender: Male 75 (55.6) 27 (60.0) 0.602 Symptom onset (days ago) 3.0±4.1 3.1 ± 6.2 0.912 Abdominal pain 101 (74.8) 40 (88.9) 0.047 Fever 59 (43.7) 15 (33.3) 0.221 Shock 17 (12.6) 6 (13.3) 0.897 Hypertension 67 (49.6) 24 (53.3) 0.667 Diabetes 31 (23.0) 12 (26.7) 0.614 Previous cholecystectomy 25 (18.5) 5 (11.1) 0.248 Gallbladder stone 76 (69.1) 27 (67.5) 0.853 Cholangitis 105 (77.8) 33 (73.3) 0.542 Mild 57 (54.3) 17 (51.5) Moderate 30 (28.6) 11 (33.3) 0.866 Severe 18 (17.1) 5 (15.2) Acute pancreatitis 14 (10.4) 16 (35.6) <0.001 Categorical variables are presented as frequencies and percentages, while continuous variables are conveyed as means±standard deviation.
Table 2 Laboratory Findings of the Patients
Laboratory test No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value WBC (/mm3) 10715.3±5298.3 11471.0±5502.7 0.413 Platelets (/mm3) 203.8±78.4 220.8±87.1 0.221 CRP (mg/dL) 7.0±7.4 5.0±6.4 0.105 Total bilirubin (mg/dL) 3.1±3.1 3.8±2.4 0.169 AST (IU/L) 210.9±312.2 283.1±237.1 0.157 ALT (IU/L) 216.9±236.1 287.1±253.3 0.092 ALP (IU/L) 221.3±153.3 248.0±156.9 0.316 Albumin (g/dL) 3.8±0.5 4.0±0.6 0.129 Creatinine (mg/dL) 0.9±0.5 0.9±0.3 0.487 Amylase (IU/L) 196.01±517.9 638.2±1011.8 0.009 Procalcitonin (ng/mL) 9.1±29.4 5.2±12.5 0.570 Blood culture positivity 28.3% 18.4% 0.228 Continuous variables are conveyed as means±standard deviation.
WBC, white blood cell; SD, standard deviation; CRP, C-reactive protein; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase.
Table 3 Image and Endoscopic Findings of the Patients
Findings No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value CT scan findings Visible stones 106 (78.5) 27 (60.0) 0.014 CBD diameter (mm) 11.0±4.2 10.8±4.9 0.770 BPDS 9 (6.7) 24 (53.3) <0.001 Endoscopic findings Periampullary diverticulum 71 (52.6) 11 (24.4) 0.001 Pus 3 (2.2) 13 (28.9) <0.001 Successful biliary cannulation 127 (94.1) 45 (100) 0.204 Needle knife 27 (20.0) 27 (60.0) <0.001 Mechanical lithotripsy 6 (4.7) 0 (0) 0.342 Type of stone Cholesterol 11 (8.1) 5 (11.1) 0.011 Brown 93 (68.9) 20 (44.4) Black 31 (23.0) 20 (44.4) Largest stone size (mm) 10.5±5.5 7.6±4.9 0.002 Categorical variables are shown as frequencies and percentages, and continuous variables as means±standard deviation.
BPDS, bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign.
Table 4 Factors associated with Impacted Stone on Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis
Variables OR (95% CI) p-value Age ≥70 years 0.38 (0.13–1.09) 0.072 Abdominal pain 1.94 (0.43–8.84) 0.390 Combined AP 3.78 (1.17–12.17) 0.026 Visibility on CT 0.89 (0.32–2.45) 0.820 BPDS 12.09 (3.92–37.33) <0.001 Periampullary diverticulum 0.28 (0.10–0.82) 0.021 Pus 27.05 (4.92–148.85) <0.001 Size of stone ≥10 mm 0.31 (0.10–0.96) 0.043 OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; AP, acute pancreatitis; BPDS, bile duct penetrating duodenal wall sign.
Table 5 Outcomes of the Patients
Outcomes No impaction (n=135) Impaction (n=45) p-value Complete stone extraction 112 (88.2) 44 (97.8) 0.073 Post-ERCP complication 9 (6.7) 5 (11.1) 0.344 Pancreatitis 8 (5.9) 3 (6.7) >0.99 Bleeding 1 (0.7) 2 (4.4) 0.155 Perforation 1 (0.7) 0 (0) >0.99 Cholangitis 0 (0) 0 (0) - ICU admission 7 (5.2) 1 (2.2) 0.681 Cholecystectomy 27 (20.0) 16 (35.6) 0.034 Variables are presented as frequencies and percentages.
ICU, intensive care unit.
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