Review Article 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
칼슘, 비타민D와 대장암
Calcium, Vitamin D, and Colorectal Cancer
AbstractColorectal cancer has a high incidence and mortality worldwide, with Westernized lifestyles and diet being significant contributing factors. Vitamin D and calcium have been known to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer by affecting cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. Despite observational studies which have suggested that a higher serum vitamin D level can lower the risk of colorectal cancer and improve survival rates, no large-scale randomized controlled trials to establish these benefits have been conducted to date. Calcium intake has also been found to have a beneficial role in reducing the incidence and improving survival rates of colorectal cancer in several observational studies. Moreover, intervention studies have proved its effect in preventing colorectal adenomas. However, there are few intervention studies that have identified the relationship of vitamin D and calcium with colon cancer. To elucidate the impact of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on colorectal cancer, well-designed and large-scale randomized controlled trials are necessary in the future. -
Review Article 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
장내 미생물 무리와 대장암
Gut Microbiome and Colorectal Cancer
AbstractColorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in Korea. A majority of CRCs are caused by progressive genomic alterations referred to as the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. The factors that may increase the risk of CRC include obesity and consumption of a high-fat diet, red meat, processed meat, and alcohol. Recently, the role of gut microbiota in the formation, progression and treatment of CRCs has been investigated in depth. An altered gut microbiota can drive carcinogenesis and cause the development of CRC. Studies have also shown the role of gut microbiota in the prevention of CRC and the impact of therapies involving gut microbiota on CRC. Herein, we summarize the current understanding of the role of the gut microbiota in the development of CRC and its therapeutic potential, including the prevention of CRC and in enhancing efficacy of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. -
Review Article 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
비만과 대장암
Obesity and Colorectal Cancer
AbstractThe prevalence of obesity has increased significantly worldwide, and this trend is likely to continue in the coming years. There is substantial evidence that obesity plays a crucial role in the development of colorectal cancer. Epidemiological data have consistently demonstrated a correlation between obesity and colorectal cancer. Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, chronic inflammation, altered levels of growth factors, adipocytokines, and various hormones are plausible biological mechanisms. In addition, obesity has been shown to have an impact on recurrence, treatment success, and overall survival. There are some reports, although the evidence is not conclusive, that weight loss and lifestyle changes such as dietary modification and physical activity can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. The understanding that obesity is a potentially modifiable risk factor that can affect the incidence and prognosis of colorectal cancer is crucial knowledge that can have an impact on the prevention and treatment of the condition. -
Review Article 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
식이가 대장암의 진행 및 예방에 미치는 영향: 영양소부터 종양 발생까지
Impact of Diet on Colorectal Cancer Progression and Prevention: From Nutrients to Neoplasms
Sang Hoon Kim*, Dong Hwan Park*, Yun Jeong Lim
AbstractColorectal cancer (CRC), one of the most common cancers worldwide, continues to increase in incidence and mortality rates. This trend is closely linked to changes in dietary habits, which are major risk factors for colorectal cancer. The increase in the incidence of CRC in countries previously considered low-risk and with low socioeconomic status is most likely due to lifestyle and dietary changes. Understanding the influence of dietary factors on the onset of colorectal cancer is essential for prevention and treatment. This review explores the complex interplay between dietary factors and colorectal cancer, focusing on the key nutrients and dietary habits that influence disease onset and progression. The impact of diet on colorectal microbiota and the influence of diet on early-onset colorectal cancer are also reviewed, reviewing recent research on how dietary interventions affect the treatment and recurrence of colorectal cancer. Finally, the future research directions for developing and applying effective dietary intervention strategies are discussed. -
Original Article 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
Comparison of RDQ and GERDQ for Predicting Erosive Esophagitis in Patients with Typical GERD Symptoms
Titong Sugihartono1,2
, Amal Arifi Hidayat3, Michael Austin Pradipta Lusida3, Kuntaman4, Hafeza Aftab5, Muhammad Miftahussurur2,6
AbstractBackground/Aims: The management decisions regarding gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may differ according to the presence of erosive esophagitis. On the other hand, the availability of upper endoscopy in Indonesia is relatively limited. This study compared the Reflux Disease Questionnaire (RDQ) and the GERD questionnaire (GERDQ) performance in predicting the presence of clinically significant erosive esophagitis and determined the validity and reliability of the Indonesian-translated version of RDQ.
Methods: Ninety-two adults with GERD suspicion were recruited. All patients completed RDQ and GERDQ. Receiver operating curve analysis was conducted on RDQ and GERDQ to evaluate their performance in discriminating LA GERD B or higher esophagitis from others. The translated RDQ preserved its main structure and was culturally adapted.
Results: The patients were 66.3% female and 73.9% Javanese. Only 22 (23.9%) patients presented with LA grade B or higher erosive esophagitis. The RDQ showed a higher AUC than the GERDQ (0.602 vs. 0.589). A cutoff point of 20 was selected for the RDQ with sensitivity and specificity of 73% and 50%, respectively, whereas the optimal cutoff point of GERDQ was 8, with a sensitivity and specificity of 77% and 43%, respectively. The r-value greater than the critical value table (r>0.205, p<0.01) confirmed the construct validity of our translated RDQ. The questionnaire also demonstrated excellent reliability (α=0.900) and moderate similarity with the Indonesian version of GERDQ (κ=0.459, p<0.01).
Conclusions: The RDQ is slightly superior to GERDQ in predicting the presence of clinically significant erosive esophagitis (LA grade B or higher). The Indonesian-translated RDQ is valid and reliable. -
Case Report 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
Cystic Lymphangioma of Rectum-A Case Report and Review of Literature
Govindraj S Dessai, Nikhil Kumar Soni, Sharvari Pujari, Ramkrishna Prabhu, Chetan V Kantharia
Colorectal cystic lymphangiomas are rare benign lesions. They are characterized by the presence of either single or multi-cystic spaces lined by endothelium. Though there are multiple case reports of right and transverse colonic lymphangioma; only around 10 cases of lymphangioma of the rectum have been reported. We present a case report of rectal lymphangioma with the relevant literature review. -
Case Report 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
Solitary Fibrous Tumors of the Mesocolon: A Report of Two Cases and Review of Literature
Madhur M Pardasani1, Phani Kumar Nekarakanti1
, Bheerappa Nagari1, Surya Ramachandra Varma Gunturi1, Ashish Kumar Bansal1, Shantiveer G Uppin2
AbstractSolitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) are an uncommon group of neoplasms. The visceral pleura is the most common site of origin of these tumors. The colonic mesentery is an unusual site of origin of SFTs. A pre-operative diagnosis of SFT is challenging as there are no pathognomonic clinical or radiological signs. Most patients reported thus far were diagnosed post-operatively with the aid of immunohistochemical markers. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice for SFTs. Recurrences are uncommon. However, they can occasionally show aggressive behavior. In this report, we describe two cases of rare colonic mesentery SFTs. -
Image of the month 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
COVID-19 감염 후 발생한 비전형적 형태의 간농양
Atypical Manifestation of Liver Abscess after COVID-19 Infection
Ho Soo Chun1,2, Minjong Lee1,2
Research update 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
진행성 담도암에서 면역항암제의 병용 요법
Durvalumab Plus Gemcitabine and Cisplatin in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer (TOPAZ-1)
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